Giovanni Battista Busiri Painting -
F. Duflos Engraving -
Angelo Uggeri Engraving -
J. M. W. Turner Engraving -
Albumin from negative to wet collodion -
Ascan Lutteroth -
Albumin from negative to wet collodion -
Postal Card -
Postal Card -
Postal Card -
Postal Card -
Silver bromide jelly -
Photo -
Postal Card -
Postal Card -
The photo taken in 1921 by Tomas Ashby portrays the American archaeologist Esther Van Deman next to the sepulcher which is currently housed inside the restaurant "Archeology" -
Postal Card
Our story begins in 1804
Our story
Archeology was an ancient post station for changing horses and a prestigious crossroads for artists and merchants from the Mediterranean.
Today the imposing ruin of a Roman tomb serves as a backdrop to the bucolic vision of the garden and wisteria which has been blooming for over 300 years and offers a play of light and shadow in the pergola.
The foundation in 1804 is testified in an engraving by Angelo Uggeri from 1804 which describes the restaurant in this way: "... on the right hand you can see the tavern built on sepulchral remains showing on the outside boulders of which these constructs were ....... … ".
Archeology is the meeting between culture and cuisine, between ancient and contemporary, between the pleasure of good food and the love of the history of Rome.
Our first 3D photo
In 1903, during one of the many trips of the Grand Tour (long journey in continental Europe made by the rich young men of the European aristocracy from the seventeenth century and intended to perfect their knowledge with departure and arrival in the same city), the restaurant Archeology was portrayed in this stereoscopic photo, a photographic technique that conveys an illusion of three-dimensionality, similar to that generated by the binocular vision of the human visual system, which can be considered the first version of 3D, in which the double image, almost twining of the places, monuments and works of art visited, obtained with a photographic device with two lenses that filmed simultaneously, allowed, using a particular two-lens viewer, a single three-dimensional vision of each image.
In the photo you can see a branch above the front door. This meant that at the time the inn was stocked with new wine.